

Shower Resealing & Regrouting in Perth, WA
Leaking showers are a serious problem. When they are left untreated they can cause decay of walls, decay of white set on adjoning walls, tiles cracking, tiles detaching, mould growth.
When repairing the shower for you we will remove the old grout and silicone then clean the shower out.
The old cement based grout will be replaced with new generation epoxy grout that is water and chemical resistant. All the corners in the shower where the water beads on will be siliconed whith silicone that contains BioBand elements that repels mould.
Any broken tiles or soap holders will be replaced when possible or sealed.
Your shower will be looking brand new and we will provide a guarantee for the work.
If you have an inquiry about Shower Resealing in WA and Shower Resealing in Perth, Contact us at 0430334020
